Monthly Archives: May 2016

PPC – Pay Per Click Advertising on Google

Pay Per Click Advertising – PPC – Paid Search Marketing

PPC stands for pay per click advertising. Other common names for PPC include Paid Search, SEM and Search Engine Marketing. While there are many names for the service, the process and goals are all the same. Most users of pay per click advertising rely on Google Adwords as their preferred medium, since the vast majority of people who use a search engine to find answers and information use Google. However, there are probably dozens of sites and search engines where PPC can be quite effective at driving new leads and customers to your business’ website at an efficient cost.The general process for pay per click advertising is that you decide on a list of relevant keywords for your business. You group these keywords into logical segments based on theme. For each themed group, you develop either a text or image ad to show whenever someone searches for those terms on the platform where you are buying the advertising, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. For each keyword and ad combination, you elect a landing page where you want visitors to go once they click on your ad. Generally speaking, a best practice is to deliver visitors to a page within your site that is MOST relevant to their search term. This leads to a more engaged user experience, which should lead to them completing your desired action once they arrive, whether that is a sign up form completion, a sale, watching a video, and on and on and on.

Many times an advertising agreement is reached where a business owner pays a certain amount each time someone clicks on their ad. It is typically modeled as an auction where you designate how much you are willing to pay for a click and then compete against anyone else on the same platform who is also willing to pay for a click on the same keyword. You almost never pay the amount you are willing to pay, but some value below it, depending on the competition for that term. You store a credit card on file to charge and usually after a 30 day period or $500, whichever comes first, your card is debited.

Paid search advertising is probably the quickest method to start driving new visitors to your site. You can literally be up and running in a matter of minutes. If you have a small business and are looking for a way to show off your site then this is a good way.

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