Posts By Sarah Carter

Pest Control – Residential Exterminators – Flys

Identification, Facts & Control of the House Fly

Latin Name – Musca domestica

Appearance – Normally grey, blue or green and around 4 to 7.5 mm long. pest control - house fly

Behavior, Diet & Habits

They like edges and corners to land on. Indoors, they will land on floors, walls and ceilings during the day. Outside they will land on plants, the ground, fence wires, rubbish bins, etc. At night they usually sleep near sources of food and 5 to 15 feet off the ground.

They will eat a wide variety of rotting vegetable or animal matter.


Houseflies will lay eggs in almost any warm, moist material suitable to feed the larvae. The female will lay up to five to six batches of 75 to 100 eggs. In warm weather, eggs can hatch in 12 to 24 hours.

The most common sign of activity will be adult houseflies buzzing around. Larvae can be observed as crawling out of breeding material to pupate. Then pupae themselves can sometimes be observed nearby the breeding material.

More Information – House Fly Facts

Adult houseflies last on average around a month. The housefly will complete it full lifecycle in around 10 days through eggs, larval and pupal stages, after which adult houseflies emerge. Houseflies are fully grown after the pupae stage.

Houseflies taste through small hairs all over their body. They have compound eyes that are extremely complex: they have extremely wide vision using thousands of individual lenses.

Houseflies are major carriers of the disease. They will transfer up to 100 pathogens at a time causing illnesses, including typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera, and dysentery. Houseflies carry these pathogens on their legs and mouths as they feed on feces, rubbish, and other decaying material. exterminators -

House Fly Control

Nobody wants houseflies buzzing around the house or anywhere else. As mentioned earlier they carry disease and can easily make you ill due to their unpleasant feeding habits and where they want to lay their eggs.

We can completely control all kinds of flying insects using insecticides that will target where they land and the spaces they fly in.

Estate Sales – Find Your Treasures At An Estate Sale

Estate Sales – Find Your Treasures At An Estate Sale

Knowing exactly what you want to achieve with your estate sale will help you decide on a definitive estate sale company. If BIG cash is your main objective, the success of your estate sale is based on the quality of your personal property, which may not be worth as much as you think, and any reputable estate sale company is good enough.

What is your criteria? Do you have an amount of money in mind that you want to get from your estate sale? Do you want to hire a company that collects taxes? Is a contract required? Are they licensed and bonded? Does the estate sale residence have homeowner’s insurance? Do you want to remain on the premises during the sale? Do you want to participate in pricing? Do you want your items sold at high prices?

In answer to the title and above questions, read through an estate sale company’s website, and focus on Services, FAQs and About pages. Then, ask yourself questions about your goal and what you are willing to comply with or not, in terms of the company’s standards or professional business practices.

There are many professional estate sale companies to choose from, and they all want to help you solve your problem, which is to launch and manage a professional estate sale.

When selling for you, a professional estate sale company is doing their best to help you solve your problem.

Professional estate sellers are aware that you are unsure about how to do an estate sale on your own; and that is why you are enlisting their services.

When you contact an estate sale company initially, it is their responsibility to educate you as to why its service can assist you in reaching your estate sale goal — if you have not reached that conclusion from reading through their website.

An estate sale company’s main goal in responding to your inquiry for service is asking and answering questions to clarify the estate sale process to efficiently meet your objective — if your questions have not been answered from reading through their website.

In terms of who is the best service to do your estate sale, or how do you decide whom to do your estate sale is left entirely to your judgment and trust.

An estate sale company’s website should be your first stop to get a feel for the owner’s personality.

Does the information on their website raise your awareness of what you actually need?

Does it explain how they can help you fulfill that need in an intelligent and practical way?

If the website helps bring clarity to your thinking about doing an estate sale, then the decision to hire an estate sale company or review other websites mean you are on the right track.

Warning: Beware of hard sales or pushiness.

Focus on questioning to allow an estate sale company to address your needs, as well as other services required to manage your estate sale.

What Do Estate Sale Clients Really Want from An Estate Sale Company — Besides High Prices?

And with those high prices, the bulkiest furniture and appliances will remain to be donated after your estate sale because no one will pay the high prices you may want.

Some estate sellers are so anxious to do sales they will acquiesce when clients want to set prices beyond what the current market will bear.

In this economy, with all types of sales going on, and a market saturated with too much stuff to sell, we are all missing sales because of unrealistic goals. When an estate sale is extended — guess why?

As clients, you need honesty about the consequences of overvaluing items.

In my professional opinion, estate sales are basically about resale and liquidation value because the goal is to sell all items in one to three days.

From this perspective, if there are two or heaven forbid three sales on the same street in the same vicinity of your estate sale, the pressure to move your property full of possessions and cars is a daunting task for any estate sale company, in this economic climate.
If you consider auctioning it off, you may still get liquidation value proceeds, in addition to fees.

Yes, estate sales are booming, but an estate sale has three human components that want to benefit from it: the client, the seller, and the buyers.

I am not suggesting that your things be given away, but there are advantages in setting a fair price, to avoid donating it.

As many of you do, I too, visit many community garage sales, yard sales, and flea markets. Yet, I am amazed at their prices too, but you can’t tell them that an item that they perceive is valuable or spent a lot of money on won’t sell!

The point is: We all need a pricing reality check!

As you know, estate sales are not garage sales, but they’re not Christie’s or Sotheby’s either.

Estate sale companies are doing their best to sell high-quality items in a used item environment.

I understand why it is so difficult for estate sale clients to decide who is the best service to do their estate sale; but what I don’t understand is the unawareness of the depreciation of personal property.

Finally, estate sale clients must know exactly what you want to achieve with your estate sale and trust the judgment of the estate sale company you hire. Read through several websites and decide on one that has the potential to liquidate the bulk of your estate *(notwithstanding antiques, expensive collectibles, fine art, jewelry, etc.). That is how you decide whom to do your estate sale and sell out to the bare walls!

*Make sure that the estate sale company you hire is qualified to secure and sell your valuables.

Car Accident Attorneys – Personal Injury Law

Car Accident Attorneys – Personal Injury Law

Our auto accident attorneys have been representing clients involved in auto accidents, motorcycle crashes, train collisions, and boating accidents for many years. The injury lawyers in our law firm have knowledge of the techniques insurance companies will use to minimize the damages of the injured, and are well-educated and qualified to investigate car accidents to prove negligence and liability. car accident attorneys

Car Accident Injuries

The severe injuries that result from a car collision could be permanent, life-altering injuries, including spinal cord injury, rib fractures, severe burns and lacerations to the face and arms, and in many tragic events, death. These injuries could require long-term or lifelong medical care, including wheelchairs, attendant care, rehabilitation and therapy. The car accident attorneys in our law firm are familiar with the injuries that can result from a car accident and the medical treatment that is required to you achieve the best possible recovery. It is a priority of our lawyers that you receive the proper medical care for your injuries and that you are focused on your physical and emotional recovery.

Our car accident law firm consults with medical specialists, and experts in life-care planning, rehabilitation and economists to obtain an accurate evaluation of your injuries and damages as we build the foundation of your injury claim. It is our goal to achieve the maximum compensation for your injuries and damages.

Your life should not be destroyed because of the careless and reckless actions of others. It is the commitment of our injury accident lawyers that those responsible for your injuries and damages be held accountable for the injuries and losses they have caused.

Insurance companies are not your friends

When you retain our experienced car accident attorneys to represent you, we will deal with the insurance adjustors, investigators and defense attorneys. The insurance company is not going to offer you the value of your injuries and damages. They are interested in underrating your claim in order to reduce their liability. The insurance company will offer to pay you less than your claim is worth in order to get you to sign a release that you will not sue their insured or the insurance company. The insurance company will be quick to want to settle, usually before you are aware of the extent of your injuries and damages. Once the release is signed, you are barred from pursuing any other compensation. The expert injury accident lawyers in our law firm will fight for your rights and seek the maximum recovery possible on your behalf.

Our car accident attorneys are available to discuss your claim and how we can help you recover. Call to schedule a free consultation.